Invention de l’Arc-en-ciel 77 :
Nizāmī of Ganja, The Haft Paikar, the seven beauties, containing the life and adventures of King Bahrām Gūr, and the seven stories told him by his seven queens
Bahrām sits on Saturday in the Black Dome, and the daughter of the king of the First Clime, Indian Princess Fūrak, tells him a story.
Bahrām on Sunday sits in the Yellow Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Second Clime, Byzantine Princess Humāy, tells him a story.
Bahrām on Monday sits in the Green Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Third Clime, Tartar Princess Nāzpāri, tells him a story.
Bahrām sits on Tuesday in the Red Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Fourth Clime, Slavic Princess Nasrīnnosh, tells him a story.
Bahrām sits on Wednesday in the Blue Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Fifth Clime, Princess Azargūn of Maghrib, tells him a story.
Bahrām on Thursday sits in the Sandal-coloured Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Sixth Clime, Chinese Princess Yaghmānāz, tells him a story.
Bahrām sits on Friday in the White Dome, and the daughter of the king of the Seventh Clime, Greek Princess Dursitī, tells him a story.