Geometry, Tiling, Mosaic
Dans LeSite :
Research on the diagrams of the Elements of Euclid
Invention of the Rainbow
Water as an optical instrument
Prism of water for different colours made of tears
Birth of Photography
Desire reminding through sight
a Library
l'Annonciation en mosaïque arabe
Rhapsodie de l'Ellipse
Œil & Eau
Fleurs pentagonales de mon jardin
Ficelles & Lumière
Alcibiade 132.d sur minitel
Archimède, Optique perdue
david boeno
Geometry, Tiling, Mosaic
Dans LeSite :
Research on the diagrams of the Elements of Euclid
Invention of the Rainbow
Water as an optical instrument
Prism of water for different colours made of tears
Birth of Photography
Desire reminding through sight
a Library
l'Annonciation en mosaïque arabe
Rhapsodie de l'Ellipse
Œil & Eau
Fleurs pentagonales de mon jardin
Ficelles & Lumière
Alcibiade 132.d sur minitel
Archimède, Optique perdue
Galileo's hantise de la circularité
Épopée des Sections Coniques.
Galileo's hantise de la circularité
(to borrow the beautiful phrase of Alexandre Koyré)
which made it impossible for him to visualize the solar system as a combination of ellipses.
Where we would consider the circle as a special case of the ellipse, Galileo could not but feel that the ellipse is a distorted circle:
a form which was, so to speak, unworthy of celestial bodies.
Erwin Panofsky, Galileo as a Critic of the Arts, Isis, Vol. 47, No. 1. March 1956.
#Panofsky #Koyré
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